no bands in sds page - (Feb/10/2007 )
i am not getting any protein bands in 11.1% separating gel and 4.4% stacking gel. Though the run is successful at 100v/50mamp, the system showing resistance after the dye crossing 3/4th the length of separating gel decreasing the mamp to 40mamp and varying there. The stacking gel getting more stain than separating gel.
i am using 20ug/ul sample per well.
can any one suggest something regarding this matter? reply is appreciated.
thanks and regards
What do you mean by no bands in SDS page. Do u run a marker? How does it run compared to the samples.
Check the buffers again. How many ul of the sample do you load.
What is about Mw of you protein? May be gel percent was chosen incorrect and you protein move out from the gel? Are you stop the process when dye bands finish end edge of your separation gel? May be overrun ? To optimize and undestand the cause of course You need Markers band