pgh19 Xenopus expression vector - Need sequence (Feb/08/2007 )
I am trying to find a vector map/sequence for pgh19, a xenopus expression plasmid generated from Yale i believe. The insert that i am trying to cut out only differs
by a hundred base pairs from the cut plasmid. Therefore i need to know the vector sequence so i can find a unique restriction enzyme that will cut the plasmid and not the insert, making the plasmid run at a significantly lower Molecular weight than the insert of interest. Which will allow me to differentiate the the pieces on a gel.
Hi, as this isn't a commercial vector you may find it hard to get the sequence. There are several references to this plasmid in published papers, I think your best bet is to contact the authors of some of these papers and see if they will help you or point you in the right direction.
Good luck
Bumping an old topic, but since I use pGH19 quite often myself, I would still like to contribute for future queries. pGH19 is indeed generated at Yale. I have a sequence, but I don't know if I can just go ahead and post it here. I am more then willing to PM it to anyone who asks for it. Someone made a vector map that I found online. It's published in a dissertation by someone named Felix Knauf, from Germany. It's not a very detailed vector map, but it seems to be the correct one. You can find it here.
I am currently in the process of mapping the sequence and creating a more accurate vector map myself.
Put the sequence in Genbank, then everyone can find it. I find it very annoying that more people don't routinely do this. It's not like it costs money or something.