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scanner for quantification of western bands - (Feb/06/2007 )

Hi. I need to quantificate my Western bands. I have heard that in order to do so, I need to scan my films using a special densitometer scanner that is "linear." Is this correct, or can I just use any ordinary household scanner? I will analyze afterwards with ImageJ. Thanks.


QUOTE (moo-moo @ Feb 6 2007, 09:30 AM)
Hi. I need to quantificate my Western bands. I have heard that in order to do so, I need to scan my films using a special densitometer scanner that is "linear." Is this correct, or can I just use any ordinary household scanner? I will analyze afterwards with ImageJ. Thanks.

the scanner should be calibrated for linearity - you can check it for yourself if its not documented; a better "household" scanner may do but should be eqipped with a transluminescence function

-The Bearer-