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Silver staining after Coomassie stain - (Jan/24/2007 )

Hi everyone,

I've stained my SDS protein gels with Coomassie blue R250 solution. Because not all of my proteins have been stained I am wondering if I could do a silver staining step afterwards. Is that possible?

thanks in advance!


Yes you can. Following a Bio-Rad protocoll you should destain your gel before with 10% acetic acid and 40% Methanol. Then you can stain it with silver. I have done so and it worked for me.


QUOTE (biomaus @ Jan 24 2007, 12:53 PM)
Yes you can. Following a Bio-Rad protocoll you should destain your gel before with 10% acetic acid and 40% Methanol. Then you can stain it with silver. I have done so and it worked for me.

great, thanks a lot!


I asked here the same question before rolleyes.gif But now, I can give answer! I did silver after coomassie without destain, it worked Very well!


check if your coomasie is in ethanol or in methanol. Slight difference, but less toxic. Colleagues are doing their coomassi preparation in ethanol and it works well.


why is that after coomasie one can stain with silver? both dont give the same results?


silverstaining stains nucleic acid as well as protein


and silver stain is much more sensitive than coomassie.
