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monoclone or polyclone Ab for co-IP - (Jan/08/2007 )

Hi, there,

I am going to do co-IP. I'm not sure which kind of antibody is better for co-IP, monoclone or polyclone?

Thank you very much.


QUOTE (yiwuya @ Jan 8 2007, 09:54 PM)
Hi, there,

I am going to do co-IP. I'm not sure which kind of antibody is better for co-IP, monoclone or polyclone?

Thank you very much.

I used both kinds and they were both fine. In theory, it would be better to use a polyclonal because it is supposed to recognize different "forms" of your protein


QUOTE (yiwuya @ Jan 8 2007, 09:54 PM)
Hi, there,

I am going to do co-IP. I'm not sure which kind of antibody is better for co-IP, monoclone or polyclone?

Thank you very much.

there is no general rule; it depends on the quality of your Ab; one would prefer a monoclonal because it is more specific to one single epitope than polyepitope detecting polyclonal; important is to know if your Ab is qualified/tested for IP/Co-IP

-The Bearer-