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protein precipitation - protein precipitation (Jan/16/2003 )

I precipitates my protein with acetone, but I'd like to get rid of salts as the gel is not migrating well. What can I use to wash the pellet?

Many thanks,


Hi Alberto,

I had the same problem. I tried with a second acetone precipitation and the salt sediment was almost away and the electrophoresis worked very good.
I hope that can help you.



I had the same problem. I tried with a second acetone precipitation and the salt sediment was almost away and the electrophoresis worked very good.
I hope that can help you
as usual we have two or three acetone precipitation ,if salt of solution is high,it is a good way to use TCA precipitation,
try it


QUOTE (withmi @ Jun 12 2003, 05:57 AM)
as usual we have two or three acetone precipitation ,if  salt of solution is high,it is a good way to use TCA precipitation,
try it

as usual we have two or three acetone precipitation ,if salt of solution is high,it is a good way to use TCA precipitation,
try it


QUOTE (withmi @ Jun 12 2003, 06:57 AM)
as usual we have two or three acetone precipitation ,if  salt of solution is high,it is a good way to use TCA precipitation,
try it

if so, loss much protein,don't you?


QUOTE (vaires @ Mar 5 2003, 08:59 AM)
Hi Alberto,

I had the same problem. I tried with a second acetone precipitation and the salt sediment was almost away and the electrophoresis worked very good.
I hope that can help you.


Did you use the gel for western blot? I read a paper using 300ug/lane, I really don't know how to get such high concentration of protein. Hope the percipitation will help!
