western vs elisa - (Nov/30/2006 )
Do you think that differences between two kind of samples that are not statistically significant analized by western can be significant when analized by ELISA because this one is more sensitive?
It's possible.
ELISA is a quantitative method, but not Western-blot. OK, you can quantify bands with densitometer, but it's so easy too saturate signals, and to have strange results. I don't believe in bands quantification anymore.
ELISA is a quantitative method, but not Western-blot. OK, you can quantify bands with densitometer, but it's so easy too saturate signals, and to have strange results. I don't believe in bands quantification anymore.
You can load different concentration of protein sample to verify the signal.
Furthermore, are you sure that in Elisa your antibody is 100% specific for your protein?
I think that western blott is better because give you also qualitative information despite of ELISA.
I´m doing WB with human serum samples and even with different alicuotes of the same sample I obtain different results each time. Sometimes I see promising differences in the bands and I think that with an ELISA possibly these differences would be real. I don´t know, sometimes I have the feeling that WB is very subjetive and the analysis of the bands depends too much of the person who does it.
ELISA is definitely more sensitive, and you will see differences in antibody performance that you won't notice in IHC or western blotting.