Immunofluorescence with FOXO - anyone done it? (Oct/01/2006 )
I've been trying to visualize the translocation of FOXO, a forkhead family transcription factor, from nucleus to cytoplasm by immunofluorescence. All I've been getting time after time is a VERY VERY dim green staining through the cell (not cyto or nuc specific). I've tried different dilutions of the antibody down to 1:50! I've also tried different dilutions of secondary (down to 1:500) Nothing . I have virtually zero experience with immunofluorescence so I'm not sure where to go from I've decided to blame it on the antibody and I've ordered it from another company.
If I try to use it for a western and it works, does that mean, it should work for IF too?
Anyone else worked with FOXO?
Anyhelp would be appreciated.
I tried it as well but had also no luck...
But at least I am no IF specialist too and so I gave it up. I had so many unspecific bands in WB that I think it is an Ab problem!
Best wishes...
Not necessarily. Be sure to check and see if the manufacturer has tried it.
But at least I am no IF specialist too and so I gave it up. I had so many unspecific bands in WB that I think it is an Ab problem!
Best wishes...
do you remember what company you got it from?