can I take some of ligation mix and digest? - (Sep/29/2006 )
this is simple. i have ligated the vector to itself so now i want to check it by RE digest. can I simply take let's say 1ul and digest in 10ul digestion mix? won;t the ligation buffer and so on interfere? 1/10 dilution is it enough? please dont tell me i have to ethanol precipitate... thanx for the answers.
- Heat kill the ligase.
- Personally i would digest in 20ul, mainly because I don't like working with 10ul. (evaporation problems with the setup I have at my lab, makes the digest rather unstable.)
- Unless, the restriction enzyme in use is very picky with its buffer, most will take a little suboptimal conditions. Give the enzyme more time to cut.
- Remember to run a raw sample for comparison.
I would worry abt detecting the DNA (insert) on the gel as u r starting with a low amounts of DNA.
Also, I wonder about any possible effect if the vector has been phosphatased? Will the restriction enzyme work on essentially nicked DNA?
thanx a lot guys, well scolix was right. i didnt get any DNA on the gel.... but i electoporated and got some colonies....
so now im minipreping them, but they are so slowly multiplying, this can;t mean that the plasmid is not there is it?