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fluorescent weight markers - (Sep/14/2006 )

hi all,
I am going to use fluorescent weight markers in my Western Blot fot the first time, but I have not decided which ones. Has somebody used them succesfully? Could you recommend someone in particular? I have found the ones from Sigma (ref.F3526) but I would like to know if somebody has any kind of experience with them.
thanks a lot smile.gif


I've never used them but I want some, they look cool.


We use them (colored markers) all the time. They're great for accessing the degree of transfer, but not great for accurate size estimation -- the dye molecules make them run with abberant sizes, and they're pH sensitive. See the pdf file here, for example.


I also use prestained markers, mines are from BioRad (Precision Plus Protein Dual Color Standard, ref.161-0374) and I am quite happy with them, although yours seem also very good, with a wide range of weights. But what I want to know is if somebody has experience with fluorescence weight markers, I mean, coupled to FITC or similar, since now I´m performing fluorescence WB. And it would be great if they were also prestained, although I suppose that it would modify excessively their final weight.


Oh! Sorry, I misread your post... I haven't used FITC-labeled markers...


QUOTE (HomeBrew @ Sep 16 2006, 03:01 PM)
Oh! Sorry, I misread your post... I haven't used FITC-labeled markers...

Don´t worry homebrew smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif
