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LacZ fusion with pRS415 - Protocol (Aug/05/2006 )

Im planning to clone the promoter region of my bacterial gene into the promotorless lacZ of plasmid pRS415. After doing it, i need to measure the promoter activity using beta galactosidase assay on various stages of growth. But i dont know how to recombined the promoter-lacZ fusion into my bacterial host. Ive read that i might be needing a RS88 or any bacteriophage of some sort. but im not familiar with it.Anybody who have done this, pls share your expertise. I would really appreciate it. Thanks


What's your host?

Do you want to integrate your promoter-reporter into the genome of your host? Or can you study the activity using the plasmid?


QUOTE (vasussci @ Aug 8 2006, 01:21 AM)
What's your host?

Do you want to integrate your promoter-reporter into the genome of your host? Or can you study the activity using the plasmid?

Hello.Thanks for your reply. My host is Salmonella typhimurium. Im confused actually whether is it necessary to integrate the promoter-reporter into the host chromosome or just study it using the plasmid. Ill be doing the beta galactosidase assay (spectro). Pls advise. Thank u so much
