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protein protein interaction - (Jul/24/2006 )

Dear all,

Are there any methods that can study protein protein interaction beside coimmunoprecipitation, overlaid and confocal microscopy? Researcher-friendly methods are prefered.
Thanks in advance.



QUOTE (marco02 @ Jul 24 2006, 09:39 AM)
Dear all,

Are there any methods that can study protein protein interaction beside coimmunoprecipitation, overlaid and confocal microscopy? Researcher-friendly methods are prefered.
Thanks in advance.


FRET, BRET, SPR, ITC, FP... a lot of methods, but all very ambitious...


How about blue native electrophoresis?

-miss piggy-

QUOTE (marco02 @ Jul 24 2006, 08:39 PM)
Dear all,

Are there any methods that can study protein protein interaction beside coimmunoprecipitation, overlaid and confocal microscopy? Researcher-friendly methods are prefered.
Thanks in advance.


Yeast two-hybrid will show if yor proteins interact, and by mutating one, you can define the interacting residues.
