Imidazole + enzyme activity - (Jun/28/2006 )
Hey all,
Does anyone know whether or not imidazole has any affect on enzyme activity? My protein is currently contained in a buffer containing imidazole and am unsure whether or not I need to dialyse it out. The buffer contains 0.02M sodium phosphate, 0.5 M NaCl and 0.5M imidazole. If I need to dialyse, what should I dialyse against?
Thanks for any help you could provide.
We use 250mM imidazole and it doesnot have any effect on enzyme activity. Not sure abt 0.5M.
am not sure about imidazole affecting activity, but 500 mM of NaCl might, I read something about desalting your protein in some amersham columns (P10 if I can remember).
I was also thinking of eluting the protein in a buffer more proper for its activity or further utilization
We use 500mM Nacl along with 250mM imidazole and we didnt have any problem with enzyme activity.
I dialysed against PBS, I don't know where it can be desalt by column of millipore?
Check this out
the columns are PD10 from amersham
我使用了millipore的柱子, 脱盐效果很好, 而且速度很快, 节省时间