expired CIAP - wondering wheter expired CIAP is still working... (Apr/11/2006 )
hi.. let me introduce myself ... I am Listya from Indonesia angd i am doing molecular cloning... I am now in a dillematic position...
I have just ordered CIAP but it will arrive in the next 6 weeks... i have to finish my cloning immediately
. Acutually my lab has CIAP but unfortunately it was expired in june 2000
. Are anybody have an opinion about this? should i try the expired CIAP or i should wait the new one and do nothing? thx for your reply...
In my hands, the only enzymes that exhibit some storage instability are T4 Kinase, BamH I and T7 RNA Polymerase. I keep these at -20C at all times and do not transfer them to an ice bucket for use. Everything else has performed well, even 10 years after expiration.
for enhancing efficiency, i do CIAP treatment 30' at 37° with the required amount of enzyme, and again add the required amount of CIAP and again 30' at 56°. More efficient in my ends for all type of ends.
Er...we are using expired CIAP all the time in our lab...
Have used expired Taq and restriction enzymes without any problem. Apart from that: CIAP is one of the hardest enzymes to kill the activity of, so even in reactions it's stable...
well, thank u very much for ur attention... i'll try the expired CIAP next week... wish me luck
i'll tell u the result then..