Sybr Green Dye - (Dec/15/2005 )
This is a really silly question. I was cleaning out the freezer yesterday, and found a tube of Sybr Green Dye... the dye was orange. I was under the impression Sybr Green was green.
What colour is Sybr Green supposed to be?
The fluorescence of Sybr green is green, I don't know about the normal colour as I have never used it undiluted.
This is a really silly question. I was cleaning out the freezer yesterday, and found a tube of Sybr Green Dye... the dye was orange. I was under the impression Sybr Green was green.
What colour is Sybr Green supposed to be?
It fluoresces green. The actual colour of the product is indeed orange. PicoGreen is also orange.
nice to confirm that i'm not crazy.
Thanks heaps
Why is it orange and not green?
Yes Syber Green is fluoresces green
It seems like everyone of us agrees that sybr green is green...
...but what about sybr gold?
I've never seen it "in person" I suppose that "gold" could stand for intense yellow,!
Anyway, as everyone of use thought, the simpliest explanation is that someone used sybr green tube to store something else!!!
Every diagram i've looked at with sybr green has the bright green little stars, to show it flouresces. and the name ... green has only so many shades. So, when i opened up the box, and the solution is orange... i thought either it went off, or this is some little joke by the companies (haha, it's called sybr green but we put it in orange solutions hahahaha silly people).
i work with a lot of radioactive solutions, and they're all radioactive green, just like the cartoons. i fell safer knowing that because they look radioactive, they are radioactive. i'd feel safer if the green dye, were in a green solution. is that too much to ask? really, is it?
i think sybr gold flouresces yellow...but gold sounds prettier and more scientific than sybr canary yellow.
Recently we got this SYBR green from sigma. It was orange when supplied in dry ice. Afer some days of storage when I removed it I was shocked to see it has turned almost transparent. First thing I checked was wether -20C storage is apprpriate and wether I exposed it to too much light! ! But its working.
the colour used inthe name of most probes/dyes is usually the colour range it emits rather than what colour it excite at (which is the colour u see in the tube)