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Receptor identification - (Dec/02/2005 )

Using chemotaxis i've managed to detect interactions between my ligand and CD4 Tcells & immature dendritic cells. I would like to try and identify the receptor(s) involved but have no clue where to begin! I have no antibody for my ligand (yet) and when biotin labelled the ligand is no longer bioactive. Any suggestions regarding further progress would be helpful. Thanks


some similar work was done with human beta-defensin 2 in the past couple years...when I have time tomorrow I can dig up the papers and send you an appropriate reference, if no one else has any suggestions for you by then


Thanks for your help. I managed to look at the HBD2 data and they seem to use HEK293 transfected with chemokine receptors for chemotactic analysis. I'm not too sure what group of receptors to look at and don't know where to start. Would i be able to use a yeast 2hyb approach for detectng membrane receptors or is their a better method?


I cannot answer that question...I know very little about such things. the only receptor I know anything about it TLR-2, and maybe a bit about integrins....I remembered the information about hBD-2 because it is one of the genes we study and I read a few papers for background information, but we look at it in a different context...we do not look at specific membrane receptors and I wouldn't know where to start either. sorry!

