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Vector databases and resources - (Nov/23/2005 )

Vector and plasmid databases

NCBI Entrez Nucleotide Database: You can search for vector sequence by vector name

VectorDB - Molecular Biology Vector Sequence Database

EMBL Vector database:Plasmid Database (UMN): provides jpeg image of the vector map, the vector sequence in FASTA format and the vector sequence in VectorNTI molecule document format.

Fission Yeast Vector List

Promega Vectors

NEB Cloning Vectors

Other resources

NCBI VecScreen: a system for quickly identifying segments of a nucleic acid sequence that may be of vector origin.



I'm looking for expression vector to introduce specific gene in mammalian cells in vitro.

Is there commercially available vector that contain Ig heavy chain promoter and light chain enhancer???


Dear scientist,

Addgene is a non-profit plasmid repository dedicated to helping scientists archive and share their published plasmids. We have collected a significant number of plasmids from individual laboratories, and have made them available through our website, .

Because Addgene provides plasmid cloning information along with the physical samples, we have also compiled a database of commonly used vector backbones created by companies and labs. To search the database, visit:

We welcome you to deposit your lab's plasmids at Addgene and we are interested in hearing your feedback.

Best wishes,
Melina Fan

Melina Fan, PhD
One Kendall Square
Building 600, 3rd Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139


BioInfoMan ( has over 5000 commonly used constructs.


The links for EMBL does not work, I get this message

Sorry, the file: ~geerlof/webPP/vectordb/vector_index.html was not registered.

Please contact webmaster and report this problem.

Please mention this errormessage and where the link you clicked on is located.


Do any of these databases allow one to search by restriction enzyme(s)? I am working on some cloning projects and would like to find a way to search a collection of plasmids for REs without having to look at every MCS for every plasmid offered by every vendor.

Thanks for your help.



Is there anybody who can give some suggestion to the above question?
Thanks very much.

QUOTE (skeeterdoc @ Nov 7 2006, 09:42 AM)
Do any of these databases allow one to search by restriction enzyme(s)? I am working on some cloning projects and would like to find a way to search a collection of plasmids for REs without having to look at every MCS for every plasmid offered by every vendor.

Thanks for your help.


-Jeff Yuan-