How to extract Apoa1 from plasma - (Nov/13/2005 )
i'll use Apoa1 to carry steroids, but how to isolate it from plasma.
anybody knows?
please tell me the method, thanks
That is kind of a loaded question... because you can't isolate ApoAI directly from plasma. It is attached to the HDL molecule. You have to isolate the HDL from other plasma proteins. One way to do this is to add KBr to you sample so that its density is 1.006 and spin (time and speed is rotor depended). You then have to slice the tube and collect the lower fraction. That will contain HDL.
It is a lot more complicated then this. You had better find somebody in person who has done this. You need a tube slicer, a tube sealer and other specilized equipment.
It is a lot more complicated then this. You had better find somebody in person who has done this. You need a tube slicer, a tube sealer and other specilized equipment.
thank u for your help

i'v decided to buy the Merk's product.
The Merck product is only going to measure how much ApoA1 is in the serum... not isolate it. And even if you use it, you need some purified ApoA1 to use as a standard curve.