protein expression - (Oct/19/2005 )
Hi all, I have very dumb question regarding the overexpression of protein. If I use a wrong antibiotics, can it affect on the purification? for example, If I am supposed to use kanamycin but misuse ampcillin, what kind result can I get? Could you let me know about that, please?
Thank you.
um...I would say you will get very little protein
if you use the wrong selection, any cells you get will probably not have your expression vector
Thank you so much for your message. In fact, I checked the vector and I sitll have the right vector and it produced very small amount of protein--I checked wiht histag antibody. But, when I inserted this vector to a new clean cell, the cell produced only inculsion body of the target protein. Could you explain this phenomenon, please?
From what I know, usually overexpression of protein in cells would lead to inclusion body... perhaps this time round, they manage to survive better, able to produce more of your protein.