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Isotope Related Discussions
  1. Log2 transformation - ECL or radioactive detection and Log2 scale (reply: 3)
  2. isotope labeling of proteins - (reply: 4)
  3. What is a radioactive element? - (reply: 1)
  4. radioactive? - (reply: 1)
  5. expiry date 32P dCTP radioactive probe? - (reply: 3)
  6. 3' oligolabeling non radioactive end-labeling - (reply: 3)
  7. purify radioactive labeled oligonucleotides - problems with the yield (reply: 1)
  8. non radioactive for southern blot - (reply: 3)
  9. how do you protect yourself from isotope? - (reply: 9)
  10. How to get rid of radioactive probe from nylon membrane? - (reply: 7)
  11. Reverse Transcriptase PCR - why radiolabeling? (reply: 4)
  12. Southern blot detection - isotope vs. DIG - what's better - radioactive isotopes or DIG detection? (reply: 13)
  13. radioactive exposure to film - why is temp-20C and overnight (alternate options) (reply: 5)
  14. Problem with radioactive EMSA, help! - (reply: 2)
  15. Northern with radioactive Riboprobes ATP - (reply: 1)
  16. Radioactive hybridisation - Labelling the nucleotides (reply: 1)
  17. making radioactive DNA probesusing PCR - (reply: 1)