where to buy oligos? - and get them shipped to Turkey? (Feb/20/2009 )
As my current oligo vendor changed their system of payment, much to my disadvantage, I am looking for a new vendor which povides high quality oligos at a cheap price (say about 0.22$ per base,). The thing is, I am in Turkey, so shipment is a problem. I would love it if this vendor had an discount agreement with fedex, etc. (You can't ask for too much, right? )
thanx for all responses.
hi raghar,
i don't know about the shipment to turkey, but when i was back in Mexico i used to order primers from a company called integrated DNA technologies (aka idtdna). they were cheaper than sigma, arrived faster and worked well (for me). however, they are located in the US and it might take a bit longer for your oligos to arrive and shipment might be a bit more expensive.
there lab is in Netherlands so sending to Turkey may not be the problem
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