Instant Blue / Stain - any recipes? (Feb/13/2009 )
Hi there,
I really like the Instant Blue stain, but sadly the new lab I have just joined have said it is too expensive
Having worked in a reagents company before, I know that a lot of products are simply the commercialisation of established and often long forgotten methods. So, it is with a hopeful heart that I ask you all....
...... yes, you've guessed it.....
does anyone know of any method/protocol which emulates this product, even in a limited way?
PS - I agree that the good old coomassie is fine, but what is not fine in a massive proteomics facility is having all that methanol and acetic acid swishing around our benches, apparently!
which stain does your new lab use?
mdfenko on Feb 13 2009, 09:12 AM said:
It is going to switch to a stain-free imaging system, but we need something as a back-up for when that goes down. Further, the frgging machine is taking ages to get installed.
you can try a colloidal coomassie method. no methanol or acetic acid. the coomassie is made in ammonium sulfate solution and destains with water (if my memory is correct).