Antibody recognition principle - (May/24/2012 )
Hi everbody,
Need some help in understanding antibody recognition. My questions are:
1. Can we use an antibody that recognize the whole antigen (peptide) or mutiple epitopes to detect an epitope?
2. I do not have antibody that recognize my epitopes apart from synthesising an antibody, do I have any other option?
Thank You!
anhardanial87 on Thu May 24 05:16:37 2012 said:
1. Can we use an antibody that recognize the whole antigen (peptide) or mutiple epitopes to detect an epitope?
a polyclonal antibody, if prepared against antigen that contains your epitope of interest, should recognize your epitope. same with a mixed monoclonal. this is also contingent on the epitope being accessible.
2. I do not have antibody that recognize my epitopes apart from synthesising an antibody, do I have any other option?
you can see if there is a commercial antibody against your epitope available.
1.Monoclonal antibodies are good for specific recognition.
2.Align your epitope region with other proteins or BLAST for similarity. Sometimes, some antibodies can recognize most related epitopes. You can use that antibody for your proteins.
-Arun Kumaran-