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Trouble in protein quantification - (May/25/2011 )

Hello everybody,

I am having problems with protein quantification. I have my proteins resuspended in 0,2M Glycine pH 2.5 buffer. So far as I know, this buffer is incompatible with Bradford, Lowry and BCA assays (these methods are only compatible up to 0,1M Glycine). Does anyone know another method to measure my proteins and/or do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

-Andreia Carvalho-

UV light? or precipitate a portion and resolve in a compatible buffer to use colometric methods...

Andreia Carvalho on Wed May 25 10:38:52 2011 said:

Hello everybody,

I am having problems with protein quantification. I have my proteins resuspended in 0,2M Glycine pH 2.5 buffer. So far as I know, this buffer is incompatible with Bradford, Lowry and BCA assays (these methods are only compatible up to 0,1M Glycine). Does anyone know another method to measure my proteins and/or do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

-Inmost sun-

you can dilute the sample to get the buffer within the compatible range. apply the dilution factor to the results.

or you can perform drop dialysis on an aliquot sufficient for protein determination.
