Problem with SDS-PAGE, frowny faces everywhere - (Jan/19/2011 )
Hi Guys!
I am having trouble running my SDS-PAGE gels. I have run a lot in the past, and this problem has only come up recently. The protein appear as "frowny" faces (see picture), however the markers are nice and flat. This keeps happening no matter what I do.
The gel is 14%, with 5% stacking. The protein samples are in PBS + 0.1% Triton X 100, and are running at the right size. It's a comassie stain.
I have made up new Running Buffer as well as new Tris-HCl and checked all the pHs which are in range.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Amber_c on Thu Jan 20 00:15:50 2011 said:
Hi Guys!
I am having trouble running my SDS-PAGE gels. I have run a lot in the past, and this problem has only come up recently. The protein appear as "frowny" faces (see picture), however the markers are nice and flat. This keeps happening no matter what I do.
The gel is 14%, with 5% stacking. The protein samples are in PBS + 0.1% Triton X 100, and are running at the right size. It's a comassie stain.
I have made up new Running Buffer as well as new Tris-HCl and checked all the pHs which are in range.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Amber...and welcome to the forum. First a disclaimer- I have not run a lot of SDS PAGE gels in my life and I'm only familiar with the miniprotean system

i suspect your problems arise from the buffer that your samples are in.
salt can cause problems with conductance and heat. it can cause lanes to skew and distort.
triton can defeat sds (you can remove sds from proteins by dialyzing against triton). triton in the sample's buffer can compete with the sds in the loading buffer.
if you require publishable results, change the buffer of your samples by dialysis prior to electrophoresis (you can perform drop dialysis of enough for the gel).
mdfenko on Thu Jan 20 16:04:38 2011 said:
i suspect your problems arise from the buffer that your samples are in.
salt can cause problems with conductance and heat. it can cause lanes to skew and distort.
triton can defeat sds (you can remove sds from proteins by dialyzing against triton). triton in the sample's buffer can compete with the sds in the loading buffer.
if you require publishable results, change the buffer of your samples by dialysis prior to electrophoresis (you can perform drop dialysis of enough for the gel).
Thanks mdfrenko! I have also suspected the sample buffer as I have changed a number of other things to no effect. However the samples are already in PBS + 0.05- 0.25% triton X100 (and 1X Laemmli buffer). Do you think the sds is still having an effect? I will check for a possible protocol for dialysis. Thanks for your reply. I will let you know if I have any luck!