inactive enzyme from purification - (Jan/09/2011 )
I am purifying an enzyme with GST-tag; however, my enzyme is not active. I have a few questions about this.
1. I wondered how long I can store the pellet (after I harvest the cell)
in -80C or -20C freezer before doing the purification. Is this affect enzyme activity?
2. My enzyme requires Mg2+ for functioning. Do I need to add Mg2+ during expression, induction or purification?
I cannot find this detail in the papers.
3. I also added 0.1% triton X100 in lysis buffer to help my enzyme soluble. Is triton X-100 able to inactivate
an enzyme?
Waiting for suggestions and thank you in advance
winter11 on Mon Jan 10 05:33:46 2011 said:
I am purifying an enzyme with GST-tag; however, my enzyme is not active. I have a few questions about this.
1. I wondered how long I can store the pellet (after I harvest the cell)
in -80C or -20C freezer before doing the purification. Is this affect enzyme activity?
some enzymes can handle freezing, some can't. some will survive if not actually frozen (eg-in solution with up to 50% glycerol). you have to determine if yours can.
2. My enzyme requires Mg2+ for functioning. Do I need to add Mg2+ during expression, induction or purification?
I cannot find this detail in the papers.
I cannot find this detail in the papers.
usually, the mg is required when the enzyme must be active (eg- in an assay). sometimes a cofactor is required for stability. you can find out by looking at literature about the isolation of the enzyme.
3. I also added 0.1% triton X100 in lysis buffer to help my enzyme soluble. Is triton X-100 able to inactivate
an enzyme?
an enzyme?
some enzymes can and some can't handle the presence of some additives. again, something you need to determine for your enzyme.