143 kDa protein - (Dec/26/2010 )
What percentage of PAGE will be good to resolve 143 kDa protien. 6 % I read but I am not sure about it. I try 10 percent but it does not resolve properly and stays at the top of the gel.
run a gradient SDS gel ranging from 2-4% to 16-20%
-Inmost sun-
I never heared about the gradient SDS, I am making just a staking gel with 5 %.....what is the procedure of making a gradient SDS gel.???
Inmost sun on Mon Dec 27 10:12:34 2010 said:
run a gradient SDS gel ranging from 2-4% to 16-20%
what are the other protein sizes from which you have to resolve the 143 kDa protein? if there is enough difference then you can use a 7-7.5% gel for good resolution.
if you don't know how to pour a gradient then you probably don't have the equipment necessary. however, you can buy gradient gels if you need them.