Siliconized Microcentrifuge Tubes - What are the benefits of using siliconized tubes? (May/23/2010 )
I was wondering how much of an an advantage it is to use siliconized microcentrifuge tubes over normal polypropylene tubes?
Is there any specific protein concentration (more specific than "low") at which siliconized tubes would become favorable? And are there disadvantages to using them?
you will not lose anything to non-specific binding with siliconized tubes.
the disadvantage is that pellets won't stick to the tube either.
Caribou on May 24 2010, 05:17 AM said:
I was wondering how much of an an advantage it is to use siliconized microcentrifuge tubes over normal polypropylene tubes?
Is there any specific protein concentration (more specific than "low") at which siliconized tubes would become favorable? And are there disadvantages to using them?
I was wondering how much of an an advantage it is to use siliconized microcentrifuge tubes over normal polypropylene tubes?
Is there any specific protein concentration (more specific than "low") at which siliconized tubes would become favorable? And are there disadvantages to using them?
the disadvantage is that you have to prepare them or to buy them more expensive than unsiliconized tubes; siliconization reduces the ionization of the inner tube wall
-Inmost sun-