Double Labelling of Same Protein - (Jan/11/2010 )
Hi, I wish to double label each subunit of a homo tetramer protein. It can be done by introducing fluorescent artificial amino acids using in-vitro translation. But since that has failed to produce my protein, I am wondering whether there are any alternative ways...
Thank you in advance.
Have you considered fusing your protein with fluorescent tags such as GFP, YFP, SFP, DS-Red, and so on?
Also, why do you want to label each subunit with 2 different fluorescent tags? Knowing that will greatly help on answers ^^
madrius1 on Jan 11 2010, 08:47 PM said:
Also, why do you want to label each subunit with 2 different fluorescent tags? Knowing that will greatly help on answers ^^
It's for FRET measurement to study conformational changes
Can't help you then. Good luck!
if you want to doubly label your protein with two different fluorophores you can introduce cysteines at the required position and label with alexa maleimide and TAMRA. i can send you the related articles if required
all the best