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Where are you from? - (May/14/2004 )

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china, now usa. biggrin.gif


I'm from Corsica, France.


QUOTE (marie-v @ Sep 10 2004, 03:53 AM)
I'm from Corsica, France.

oh une francaise wink.gif
paris, France


Shanghai, P.R.China!


Born and bred in the UK, did PhD at Oxford University.

Now living in The Netherlands.... have been trying to find a post-doc for the past 2 years... situation here is VERY BAD.

Have been being exploited by the Dutch, who will not give me a break, despite 10 months of unpaid post-doc (hoping it would lead to a paid post - promises of money never fulfilled). Job was great experience and better than sitting around being unemployed but involved 4 hours commute a day - all became too much needed some form of pay.

and after a two month break

3 months of unpaid post-doc - closer to home (10 minutes), in the local University which has a "job-stop" (they are not hiring externally). Volunteered on the advice of a retired prof, again hoping it would stand me in good stead to be an insider for a paid job - seems that it may not though - recently a post came up but it looks like they won't consider me as an insider - grrrr.

Dr. G-nome
bruised and battered and a bit fed up, but still fighting....

-Dr. G-nome-

the first from Malaysia to post here



I'd like to know where a majority of the members come from on this forum.

I'm from Minnesota smile.gif

Thanks guys


Mexico, now in Italy




Kiwiland (New Zealand)


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