Online game - (Aug/27/2009 )
"Mutate the labrat", a small java-online game:
Click me
hobglobin on Aug 27 2009, 08:38 PM said:
I keep clicking but it wont let me do anything to the rat

Kami23 on Sep 21 2009, 06:04 PM said:
hobglobin on Aug 27 2009, 08:38 PM said:
I keep clicking but it wont let me do anything to the rat

Be sure to have allowed scripts and that shockwave-flash works. Then click >new lab rat<. Then you see the lab environment. To do something click e.g. >feed<, then choose with the arrows what kind of food and then click once to the cage surface. The food item appear there and the rat begins to feed. For experiments you have also to press on the instrument icon in that field after you chose a treatment.
I played it with Firefox, don't know if it works with other browsers...