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Times flies like an arrow... - (Jul/17/2009 )

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I was trying to locate a sequence via BLAST earlier today when I noticed:

Time flies like an arrow; Drosophila melanogaster like a banana! :wacko:


seanspotatobusiness on Jul 17 2009, 03:45 PM said:

I was trying to locate a sequence via BLAST earlier today when I noticed:

Time flies like an arrow; Drosophila melanogaster like a banana! :lol:

but shouldn't this be: "likes" a banana (then it's not a perfect not-really-that-perfect analogy)? :wacko: So what's the rule here seanspotatobusiness- plural or singular? btw, welcome to the forum....


too innocent to understand why this is a joke. This should be in the Philosophy thread and someone should explain what it is supposed to mean. :wacko:


Nabi on Jul 17 2009, 11:23 PM said:

too innocent to understand why this is a joke. This should be in the Philosophy thread and someone should explain what it is supposed to mean. :lol:

:wacko: ..yeah, you're really too innocent's a play with words...just like seanspotatobusiness' display name..I wonder what he's BLASTING and if potatoes are his only business?


A variation of that has been around forever -- well, at least since the 80's when I used to use it as an email tag line. Except then it read:

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana!"

Others I recall:

"186,282.397 miles per second: it's not just a good idea -- it's the law!"

"24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case -- coincidence?"


Well, my mind would have never understood that..

During the exam time, I used to have it written on my desk : Time passes, will you?


Nabi on Jul 18 2009, 12:16 PM said:

Well, my mind would have never understood that..

During the exam time, I used to have it written on my desk : Time passes, will you?

"Time wastes our health and wits, but we waste time so we are quits". Don't know were it comes from, but I like it.

BTW, fruit flies feed on banana (or food mixtures made out of them) i.e. like them, that's the background. :wacko:


I wonder if we can include this here but I find it funny:

"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research." ;)


are you trying to start a haiku subforum here?

"wind and pollen,
cytoplasmic male sterility"

sounds more like keywords in a paper :lol:


time flies like an plane.
brick with wings, who would have guessed -
myself, i hover.

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