How's your weekend - (Jun/21/2009 )
Last month I was very busy on preparing for a seminar. I even worked on Sat & Sun. The seminar passed and I took this weekend doing nothing.
How's your weekend guys?
p.s I find that some of my colleagues always work on Sat & Sun (either lab work or paper work). Just want to know whether it is common at your lab. I should admit that working on weekend is quite enjoyable coz the supervisor is not there
nothing interesting really happened - setting up experiments, running them, analysing them, partying, sleeping, washing . . . reflecting like this makes me feel life is just passing by without much things in life.
I did no lab work this weekend- this is good. During my PhD I spent many weekends in the lab and got very tired as a consequence, now I limit the time I have to come in at the weekend. I like my free time to go and play tennis or go hiking or just sleep and be lazy and realise there is life outside of the lab.
LostintheLab on Jun 22 2009, 04:13 AM said:
is there?
toejam on Jun 24 2009, 06:01 PM said:
LostintheLab on Jun 22 2009, 04:13 AM said:
is there?
that's the second year . .. after that there are other stages. . . U realise there is 'life outside lab too' but firmly believe that 'u r an alien'
Ah...the life of a PhD student- those days are far behind me (and yes in the your final years you forget what the term weekend actually stands for), so now I try to not work at weekends ...
But I am an alien too- I even have a special card that tells me I am
Live long and prosper
Saturday afternoon - ballpark / evening - lab / night - movies.
Sunday morning - sleeping / afternoon - cooking / night - eating-drinking.
watching your carps play?
this weekend- Saturday morning- tennis, afternoon - sleeping, evening- eating and sleeping
- Sunday morning- lab and shopping, Afternoon- cooking and BBQ- evening - BBQ and drinking
Monday morning- hangover in lab
Weekends are still working days for me. If I'm not working in the lab, I will be sitting in front of the computer to analyse micrographs and prepare reports.
Do you not feel tired and out of touch with the rest of the world if you do that for many weeks at a time?