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Fellowship to oversea and membership of association - anyone can give me information? (Jun/16/2009 )

Dear all,

I am helping a friend as well as myself to ask if anyone know any available society provide fellowship/scholarship/funding for students to have training/ internship at overseas/other country (ies)?

And will anyone recommend any recognized association(s) for student membership?(be it US, European or Asian).

Appreciate all the forumers' help and suggestion as well as opinion.

Thanks in advance.



Sunshine - be proactive!! There is a shedload of money out there - but it's not going to be handed to you over a forum!! Get googling!
Check out
Also look at AFUW - federation of women have lots of stuff
Depending on where you are from there are heaps of different grants etc available
Some universities have specific scholarhsips. Most universities have exchnage programs - pick a country and start looking. You can also try genetics society of america, things like that. Also organisations like Rotary sometimes fund trips like this. Or you can go to a conference and apply for student funding.
