Passage - Can it be used as a verb? (May/13/2009 )
The word “passage” in cell culture has its specific meaning; however, we are wondering can we use it as verb such as:
During these 2 weeks we expect cells will reach passage point ever 2 or 3 days, we just continue normal cell passage processing until the end of 2 weeks.
Can we use passage as verb as shown?
If this is not how “passage” used, what is the best word?
Yes you can use passage as a verb. Searching google with "cells were passaged" (keep the quotes) returns thousands of results. Some people also use "pass" in stead of passage.
bioforum on May 13 2009, 05:27 PM said:
Absolutly you can use 'cells were passaged'. So yeah either as a noun or a verb is fine!
oh ya u sure can cause i have seen the word used in documentations for highly regulated markets also!!!