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What does that mean when we say esp1-1 - (Apr/27/2009 )

I am a graduate, and a freshman in this forum. Today I encountered a doubt when I was reading a paper. Please look at the following sentence.

"A similar mislocalization of Ase1 was observed in conditional lethal esp1-1 cells."

Can anyone tell me what is the meaning of esp1-1? Actually, I wonder what does the "-1" mean.

In addition, what does the "conditional letahal" mean? Does it mean that knocking down of esp1 from the cultured cell will arise the cell death?

Many thanks!


ray1949 on Apr 27 2009, 12:50 AM said:

I am a graduate, and a freshman in this forum. Today I encountered a doubt when I was reading a paper. Please look at the following sentence.

"A similar mislocalization of Ase1 was observed in conditional lethal esp1-1 cells."

Can anyone tell me what is the meaning of esp1-1? Actually, I wonder what does the "-1" mean.

In addition, what does the "conditional letahal" mean? Does it mean that knocking down of esp1 from the cultured cell will arise the cell death?

Many thanks!

esp1-1 is not common terminology that I know of, the context should be clear from the paper then.

conditional lethal means that if a certain condition is met, the genotype leads to a lethal phenotype.
this conditions can be various, but in that context it's probably some kind of inducible (or repressable) promoter that gets activated (or repressed) and leads to the lethal event due to transcription (or repression) of a transgene. think tet-on/tet-off systems and those kinds of things..
