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when to start writing thesis? - (Feb/08/2009 )

Hello everybody,

I am doing my final year project and I have been in the lab for about 1 month and a half. Up to now, I am still trying to get results and I find it kinda hard to get started on writing materials and methods for my thesis as I am trying different ways and means in the lab to get the results. The only thing I have started is the introduction. I am going to end my final year project in April. Is it abnormal for me to start writing my thesis somewhere next month, which is March, or after I get my results? I am kinda worried that I am lagging behind. Do give me some advice. Thanks in advannce!!


jiajia1987 on Feb 9 2009, 01:22 AM said:

Hello everybody,

I am doing my final year project and I have been in the lab for about 1 month and a half. Up to now, I am still trying to get results and I find it kinda hard to get started on writing materials and methods for my thesis as I am trying different ways and means in the lab to get the results. The only thing I have started is the introduction. I am going to end my final year project in April. Is it abnormal for me to start writing my thesis somewhere next month, which is March, or after I get my results? I am kinda worried that I am lagging behind. Do give me some advice. Thanks in advannce!!

My supervisors favourite quote is " the day you start is the day you finish"

When i stated my PhD 3 or so years ago he used to always say it to me and i was wondering to myself what the f$*k does that mean?

But as i progressed i realised he basically means that everything you do should be aimed towards your finishing date.

So in regards to when to start writing up, you can start writing from day one, some info you use will change, some will be removed and some will remain but until you put it together you wont know.

Obviously results cant be wrote up early, but try to get some papers on the techniques you used and results from published papers who have done similar work to what you are doing, your supervisor might even have published some of these as your project is probably in their own area of research, which i am sure they would like to see you have found when doing the lit. review.


keep a clean record of your results, your experiments etc....this means an organised lab book where you write down everything you do, even if you are absolutly sure to remember or if it is will forget quickly.

Writing up you thesis: you cannot start before you have some results. If you want to do something for your thesis do a litereature research, try to get an overview on your topic.
But if you have started one month ago I think it is too early to think about the final work you should concentrate on your lab work. You need to get familiar to the methods, get some results and then you can go for writing.

My tips for writing:
1. before starting with the actual thesis/paper have a "working abstract". This means write down what have you done for what purpose and what were the results. This outline is just for you to keep track when writing; no worry about form, style etc. It can happen easily that you are discussing things which do not belong to your work but are very this sheet of paper should help you to keep your writing focused.
2. Write methods, then results and keep them organised in the same order.
3. then comes introduction and discussion, which should focus on the same problems. The difficult thing here is to not repeat things.
4. Summary of your work, your conclusions etc. on one page.

So good luck :wacko:


hello peeps,

thanks a great deal for giving me some advice. they really sorted out my mind. i was feeling kinda stressed about the thesis because i am limited to just a period of about 3 and a half months to do this project and as we all know, research involves long work. things doesn't get done in a day. i guess i will do whatever i can do for now and follow your advices. thank you!!!
