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Fit and Selected - . . the most (Feb/02/2009 )

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GeorgeWolff on Feb 3 2009, 02:44 AM said:

This is very subjective. If you were to trace life back to an ancestor and then statistcaly compare DNA - perhaps yopu might have an answer for the most evolved - as in the greatest difference from the early DNA.

And what is the meaning of it? This is the most evolved species found compared to ancestor x. We offer a page in Guinness book of world records? And then another working group claims this record as they used another DNA part, other statistical methods, other ancestor...Not really science.


hobglobin on Feb 2 2009, 11:32 AM said:

Nabi on Feb 2 2009, 08:25 AM said:

Talking of 'Survival of the fittest' and 'Natural Selection', which organism is the most evolved and which organism is the fittest to survive?

Actually this is a question you cannot answer as there are no fittest and most evolved organisms. Evolution has no aim, but is a random process. And you cannot compare species as every species is evolved far enough to cope with its environment (until now) and is fit enough to survive in its niche/range/environment. Otherwise it would have been replaced.
Don't try to compare apples and oranges... :P

While I agree with most of what you wrote, Natural Selection is not a random process. While variants are generated randomly, Natural Selection itself is selective.


Evolution? If there is then Man is the most evolved ........but its a bit confusing because no organism to date is found to be perfect and when u look at any one it seems it has evolved the most and is the most well adapted organism.......... :wacko:
i dnt know how evolution worked to favour such changes that cell was formed? Cell is meant to be the ist organism in evolutionary tree but how was it formed? there are a lot of missing links, the fossil record is not complete and it cant answer the question raised to it thats y sometimes personally i feel it to be a fairy tale............evolution has great impact on biology as because of it this field improved as some tried to prove while some tried to disprove it...........................................


There is no most evolved, all organisms alive are equally evolved or they wouldn't be alive.


Yes all organisms are evolved enough to be alive, but some are adopting quicker than others towards changing environmental challages than others.......but I think nobody can say "this organism is more evolved than another"........but I think you can not say they are equally evolved either.

And: are we talking about "evolution" or "adaption" here?????


You could probably say: the most abundant, widely distributed organism is probable the most fit (given all the various selection pressures on earth) - then that would probably be bacteria?

And I'd definitely second the statement that evolution is a non-random process.


warsel on Nov 25 2009, 09:25 AM said:

You could probably say: the most abundant, widely distributed organism is probable the most fit (given all the various selection pressures on earth) - then that would probably be bacteria?

And I'd definitely second the statement that evolution is a non-random process.

the irony, all life survives based on a randomly mutated mechanism that produces non random results


Human is the most evolved and the fittest one to survive because human is the most dominating specie.

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gebirgsziege on Fri Sep 25 06:35:27 2009 said:

Yes all organisms are evolved enough to be alive, but some are adopting quicker than others towards changing environmental challages than others.......but I think nobody can say "this organism is more evolved than another"........but I think you can not say they are equally evolved either.

And: are we talking about "evolution" or "adaption" here?????

Yes none can say which organism has evolved more...but one can say which organism is more favored by the evolutionary forces.....

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