Hey all.. a little guidence please? - PhD and medicine (Jan/27/2009 )
I have decided to post again here because I cant find a mod to move it
Hey everyone,
I have lately been thinking about a career in medicine even though i am a first year PhD student. How many of you have done your PhD and then gone into medicine? I have kind of got my heart set on it and have done all the resaerch about the finances/places to live etc. The thing is I feel like I would be letting down the people who are funding my studies and my supervisor if I persue this. Has anyone else found it this difficult to choose a career?
I know my parents will disown me if I do choose medicine but I really really want to go for it as I dont thing im cut out to be a researcher sad.gif
Thanks in advance,
Bex (Formally Kami22 but the forum lost my login details :S)
Sorry I haven't moved your post.
Bioforum just reinstated my position (moderator) 10 minutes ago.
I am also planning to get into Medical School after PhD.
You can concentrate on your PhD studies now, then think about medical school in your final year of PhD.
I know many medical doctors who have PhD. They are both good medical doctors and good medical researchers.
Hope this may help.
Minnie Mouse on Jan 30 2009, 04:09 AM said:
Bioforum just reinstated my position (moderator) 10 minutes ago.
Its ok i know the website has been having problems
Thanks thats really helpful to know someone else is in the same boat as me.
You have to choose for yourself what you would like to do. I did my medicine, but later did my PhD and quit medicine and concentrate only on research as I found it more interesting. Think over both fields. Some people do both succesfully.