Professional Misconduct by NAM Committee on Food Allergy - (Dec/17/2016 )
Professional Misconduct by NAM Committee on Food Allergy
The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) committee recently released the following report on food allergy.
Finding a Path to Safety in Food Allergy: Assessment of the Global Burden, Causes, Prevention, Management, and Public Policy
There is strong evidence that food proteins in vaccines cause the development of food allergies.
The NAM committee refused to consider this evidence and completely omitted it from their report.
The NAM committee investigated and reported on IgE mediated food allergy.
Injecting influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) proteins into humans ( using influenza vaccine), causes IgE mediated sensitization against the HA proteins1–3 and allergy4 to the HA proteins.
Injecting hepatitis A proteins (Hepatitis A vaccine) into humans, causes IgE mediated sensitization to hepatitis A proteins.5
Repeated bee stings (injecting bee venom proteins) causes IgE mediated sensitization to the bee venom proteins and the development of IgE mediated allergy to bee venom.7
Injecting dengue virus by mosquito bites, results in the synthesis of anti-dengue IgE.8
That is, IgE mediated sensitization to dengue virus proteins.
Injecting Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria by tick bites (that cause Lyme disease) results in synthesis of anti-Borrelia burgdorferi IgE.9
Injecting filarial parasites by mosquitoes, results in synthesis of IgE against filarial parasites.10
Injecting tetanus and diphtheria toxoid containing vaccines, result in synthesis of IgE against tetanus and diphtheria toxoids.11
Injecting ovalbumin (hen’s egg protein in influenza vaccines), results in synthesis of IgE against ovalbumin.12
Injecting gelatin as part of the DTaP vaccine, results in synthesis of IgE against gelatin.13,14
Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on Vaccine Adverse Events 2012
A previous Institute of Medicine (IOM) committee that looked into vaccine adverse events, released a report in 2012.15 This statement below from the report makes it absolutely clear that injecting food protein containing vaccines cause the development of IgE mediated food allergies.
Document Pg. 65 (pdf pg. 94 ):
“Adverse events on our list thought to be due to IgE-mediated
hypersensitivity reactions
Antigens in the vaccines that the committee is charged with reviewing do
not typically elicit an immediate hypersensitivity reaction (e.g.,
hepatitis B surface antigen, toxoids, gelatin, ovalbumin, casamino acids).
However, as will be discussed in subsequent chapters, the
above-mentioned antigens do occasionally induce IgE-mediated
sensitization in some individuals and subsequent hypersensitivity
reactions, including anaphylaxis.”
Ovalbumin listed above would of course cause egg allergy and casamino acids listed above are cow's milk derived and cause the development of cow's milk allergy.
The above are just example allergens. The NAM report, quoted below, lists numerous food allergens present in current vaccines.
NAM report pg.241
"Allergens in Vaccines, Medications, and Dietary Supplements
Physicians and patients with food allergy must consider potential food
allergen exposures in vaccines, medications, and dietary supplement prod-
ucts (e.g., vitamins, probiotics), which are not regulated by labelling laws.
Also, excipients (i.e., substances added to medications to improve various
characteristics) may be food or derived from foods (Kelso, 2014). These
include milk proteins; soy derivatives; oils from sesame, peanut, fish or
soy; and beef or fish gelatin. The medications involved include vaccines;
anesthetics; and oral, topical, and injected medications. With perhaps the
exception of gelatin, reactions appear to be rare overall, likely because
little residual protein is included in the final preparation of these items. The
specific risk for each medication is not known.
Vaccines also may contain food allergens, such as egg protein or gela-
Injected proteins causing the development of allergy to those proteins is not new. Nobel Laureate Charles Richet demonstrated and warned us more than a hundred years ago, that injecting proteins into mammals causes the development of allergy to those proteins.
“We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction, the organism suffers and becomes resistant. This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection which would be fatal. At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock.”
So, as the IOM report and Dr. Richet have pointed out, ANY injected protein, food proteins,viral proteins, bacterial proteins, cause the development of allergy to those proteins.
The NAM committee completely ignored this mechanism of food protein containing vaccine injections causing the development of food allergy.
Response in the British Medical Journal
Vaccines cause the development of food allergies: the latest evidence.
Comments in the New England Journal of Medicine
Inducing food allergy in laboratory rats
Injecting food proteins + aluminum salts (just as we do with vaccines) is THE proven way to RELIABLY create food allergy in laboratory rats for research purposes.16,17
The NAM report repeatedly refers to sensitization to food proteins due to food protein absorption through a damaged skin barrier. Nothing wrong with that hypothesis. Vaccine injections however, COMPLETELY DAMAGE the skin barrier and are a far more EFFICIENT, RELIABLE AND PROVEN mechanism for the development of food allergy. Further, vaccines contain aluminum salts as an adjuvant that is PROVEN to enhance allergy.18
The NAM report pg 191:
"The “Dual Allergen Exposure” hypothesis proposes that allergic sen-
sitization to foods may occur through exposure to low doses of allergen
through the skin due to food allergens in the environment being absorbed
through a damaged skin barrier (such as in eczema or presence of filag-
grin loss-of-function mutations)."
They propose that food allergen being absorbed through eczema affected skin causes food allergy.
What caused eczema (atopic dermatitis) in the first place? Sensitization to yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).19
How were children sensitized to yeast?
The first vaccine a child receives is Hepatitis B which contains yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).20
Then repeated yeast contaminated Hepatitis B and yeast contaminated Prevnar 13 vaccines follow.
Is the atopic march a mystery any more?
More details, background and references are provided here.21
1. Davidsson A, Eriksson JC, Rudblad S, Brokstad KA. Influenza specific serum IgE is present in non-allergic subjects. Scand J Immunol. 2005 Dec;62(6):560–1.
2. Smith-Norowitz T a, Wong D, Kusonruksa M, Norowitz KB, Joks R, Durkin HG, et al. Long term persistence of IgE anti-influenza virus antibodies in pediatric and adult serum post vaccination with influenza virus vaccine. Int J Med Sci. 2011;8(3):239–44.
3. Nakayama T, Kumagai T, Nishimura N, Ozaki T, Okafuji T, Suzuki E, et al. Seasonal split influenza vaccine induced IgE sensitization against influenza vaccine. Vaccine. 2015 Nov 9;33(45):6099–105.
4. Woo EJ. Allergic Reactions After Egg-Free Recombinant Influenza Vaccine: Reports to the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Clin Infect Dis. 2014;60:777–80.
5. Bluth M, Kokh D, Zhou W, Rirash F, Smith-Norowitz T. Long term persistence of IgE anti-hepatitis A virus antibodies in adult serum post vaccination. (113.9). J Immunol . 2012 May 1;188 (1 Supplement ):113.9–113.9.
6. Smith-Norowitz TA, Josekutty J, Silverberg JI, Lev-Tov H, Norowitz YM, Kohlhoff S, et al. Long term persistence of IgE anti-varicella zoster virus in pediatric and adult serum post chicken pox infection and after vaccination with varicella virus vaccine. Int J Biomed Sci. 2009;5(4):353–8.
7. Eich-Wanger C, Muller UR. Bee sting allergy in beekeepers. Clin Exp Allergy. 1998;28(10):1292–8.
8. Koraka P, Murgue B, Deparis X, Setiati TE, Suharti C, Van Gorp ECM, et al. Elevated levels of total and dengue virus-specific immunoglobulin E in patients with varying disease severity. J Med Virol. 2003;70(1):91–8.
9. Bluth MH, Robin J, Ruditsky M, Norowitz KB, Chice S, Pytlak E, et al. IgE anti-Borrelia burgdorferi components (p18, p31, p34, p41, p45, p60) and increased blood CD8+CD60+ T cells in children with Lyme disease. Scand J Immunol. 2007;65(4):376–82.
10. Hussain R, Ottesen EA. IgE responses in human filariasis. IV. Parallel antigen recognition by IgE and IgG4 subclass antibodies. J Immunol. 1986;136(5):1859–63.
11. Markt A, Björkstén B, Granström M. Immunoglobulin E responses to diphtheria and tetanus toxoids after booster with aluminium-adsorbed and fluid DT-vaccines. Vaccine. 1995;13(7):669–73.
12. Yamane H. N. U. Serological examination of IgE- and IgG-specific antibodies to egg protein during influenza virus immunization. Epidemiol Infect. 1988;100(2):291–9.
13. Nakayama T, Aizawa C, Kuno Sakai H. A clinical analysis of gelatin allergy and determination of its causal relationship to the previous administration of gelatin-containing acellular pertussis vaccine combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids
14. Kuno-Sakai H, Kimura M. Removal of gelatin from live vaccines and DTaP—an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy. Biologicals. 2003;31(4):245–9.
15. Stratton K, Ford A, Rusch E, Clayton EW. Adverse Effects of Vaccines : Evidence and Causality. Injury. 2011. 0-24 p.
16. Birmingham N, Thanesvorakul S, Gangur V. Relative immunogenicity of commonly allergenic foods versus rarely allergenic and nonallergenic foods in mice. J Food Prot. 2002;65(12):1988–91.
17. Abril-Gil M, Massot-Cladera M, Pérez-Cano FJ, Castellote C, Franch À, Castell M. A diet enriched with cocoa prevents IgE synthesis in a rat allergy model. Pharmacol Res. 2012;65(6):603–8.
18. Horino A, Taneichi M, Naito S, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Komuro K, et al. Cytokine production by spleen cells from mice with ovalbumin-specific, IgE-selective unresponsiveness induced by ovalbumin-liposome conjugate. Allergol Int. Japanese Society of Allergology; 1997;46(4):249–53.
19. Kortekangas-Savolainen O, Lammintausta K, Kalimo K. Skin prick test reactions to brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in adult atopic dermatitis patients. Allergy. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 1993;48(3):147–50.
20. Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary
21. Arumugham V. Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy. J Dev Drugs. 2015;4(137):2.
Moved since it's not exactly Protocol or Technique topis.
By the way, any evidence of current vaccines actually causing food alergies in humans?
Immunology is a complex thing, simple presence of IgE doesn't mean you will be alergic to ingestion of certain substance. The immune reaction against antigens in question is of course desired, may be more or less complex using various components of immune system. The complete interactions of IgE and related responses with other immune pathways is still not fully known, but it seems to surpass the original hypothesis of parasite protection only. It may actually aid the effectivity of vaccine or be just a side effect.
With the food alergens however the situation is different. They may be originaly present in the vaccine, but the response may be modified by the actual ingestion of them as well. You can't say this is not a critical for certain rare cases of people sensitive for this kind of immune priming. But that's with the rare vaccine side effects, some of them do happen to predisposed children (without knowing they could be). But is it such a common effect to be mentioned in the food alergy report?
It will be definitelly better to leave food antigens out of vaccines if possible, sure, but is there really a reason of such harsh reaction to a commitee report probably not founding them such important?
"By the way, any evidence of current vaccines actually causing food alergies in humans?"
"Immunology is a complex thing, simple presence of IgE doesn't mean you will be alergic to ingestion of certain substance."
"They may be originaly present in the vaccine, but the response may be modified by the actual ingestion of them as well."
"But is it such a common effect to be mentioned in the food alergy report?"
"is there really a reason of such harsh reaction to a commitee report probably not founding them such important?"
"It will be definitelly better to leave food antigens out of vaccines if possible, sure,"
Similarly, there’s a stabilizing agent that’s used in the chicken pox vaccine called gelatin. It allows the vaccine virus to be distributed equally throughout the vial. The question is, are there other stabilizing agents that you could use, that aren’t gelatin, that could accomplish the same thing? Absolutely. But again there’s
OK, so there's some allergenic material in vaccines, what's the big deal? There is a miniscule rate of severe vaccine reactions. Have a look at the following paper: It's a study of 48 MILLION people who were given the influenza vaccine with only 11 reports of anaphylaxis, none of which reported prior egg allergy, implying that the anaphylaxis was likely not from the egg component. Also, for most children, the flu vaccine is contraindicated for children under one. Most infants start eating solid foods such as egg, at around 4-6 months. Yes, children do get vaccinations before this time, and some of them might be produced in eggs, but not all are produced in the allantoin, many are produced in the amnion, so you can't lump all under one umbrella.
Children usually outgrow the egg allergy, like many also do for milk allergies and nut allergies, so despite repeat vaccination with egg based allergens (no, this wouldn't be tolerization according to what you are saying), the incidence of allergy actually decreases... can you now see why most don't consider this to be a problem.
Sure, the incidence of egg allergies in children could be as high as 2.5% (that's 1 in every 40 children, based on personal - not scientific- observation of pre-school aged children I know, I would guess much lower), but is this as a result of exposure due to vaccines or not? Do we have data for this?
Now, don't get me wrong, there is an increasing rate of food and other allergies, but we as yet don't know why. I for one, doubt that it is a result of vaccines, and think it more likely as a result of changes in lifestyle, foods that we eat and a whole bunch of other factors that we don't yet know about.
So, is the committee out of line to not consider this in their report? Probably, but is it misconduct...probably not, perhaps they will deal with it in a subsequent report.
Incidentally, to make your posts easier to read, use the quote button to quote other's posts - it looks like a little speech bubble on your tool bar.
OK, so there's some allergenic material in vaccines, what's the big deal? There is a miniscule rate of severe vaccine reactions. Have a look at the following paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.../pubmed/7361749. It's a study of 48 MILLION people who were given the influenza vaccine with only 11 reports of anaphylaxis, none of which reported prior egg allergy, implying that the anaphylaxis was likely not from the egg component.
We are NOT talking about reactions. We are talking about vaccines causing the development of allergy, anew. This is a symptom-free process that takes a few weeks. This occurs FAR more frequently than the reactions above. Please see Yamane et al. above. 36/100 developed egg allergy following influenza vaccination.
Reaction to influenza vaccine can also be caused by allergy to the vaccine itself (sensitization to hemagglutinin (HA)) protein.
Also, for most children, the flu vaccine is contraindicated for children under one.
Children are recommended to get influenza vaccine at six months per the US CDC schedule.
but not all are produced in the allantoin, many are produced in the amnion, so you can't lump all under one umbrella.
How does it make a difference if you are sensitized to one set of egg proteins vs. another?
outgrow the egg allergy
This is not a cure but it is a hidden problem. Your immune system is permanently damaged upon food protein injection.
IgE naturally evolved to handle worm/parasite infections. With injected food proteins, we have confused the immune system into mistaking food proteins as parasites.
In IgE mode, upon contact with parasite you suffer hives, itching so you scratch and avoid parasite infection. But once infected, body goes from infection prevention into IgG4 induced tolerance to fight chronic infection.
This is what we call "outgrow". IgE mediated food allergy becomes IgG4 mediated tolerance.
When you eat egg in this state, the body treats it as "chronic egg parasite infection". Result eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). This is NOT healthy oral tolerance you acquire when a healthy person eats egg.
Now, don't get me wrong, there is an increasing rate of food and other allergies, but we as yet don't know why.
Injecting food proteins causes the development of life-threatening food allergies and asthma. This is ESTABLISHED SCIENCE taught in medical school today.
Medical Immunology notes from the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine.
“A guinea pig can be sensitized by intramuscular injection of an antigen, say OVA
(ovalbumin). Its immune system responds by producing antibody to OVA, including (but not
exclusively) IgE. Some of this circulating IgE will be fixed onto mast cells in various tissues,
including the vasculature and respiratory tract. Three weeks later, the same animal can be
challenged either with an intravenous dose of OVA or by exposure to an aerosol containing
OVA. Following IV injection, the animal will rapidly develop severe vascular shock and die
within a few minutes (the combination of venule constriction and capillary dilation results in
pooling of blood in the peripheral circulation and a drastic drop in blood pressure). If
exposed to the aerosol, it will equally rapidly die from bronchial constriction, an
experimental model for human asthma.”
Doctors today inject numerous food protein contaminated vaccines into babies. When they predictably develop food allergies and asthma, the doctors INEXPLICABLY claim, they DON'T KNOW what caused these diseases! And inexplicably, DO NOT even report this to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). How do you explain this?
I don't see any solid evidence of vaccines actually causing allegies in humans, still. For this, you would need to test allergic reaction ratio after vaccination or on the vaccination following the first "sensitizing" one. If only talking about eggs.
Actually flu vaccines are given often yearly, so huge dataset to check, if there was a sensitation pattern, that would need to be very evident.
As for animal testing which is your only argument in cause of allergy... they inject OVA to them in much greater concentration I guess, since we do not see people having casually severe vascular shock and die within a few minutes after another flu shot, for example. It is a dose that matters, in immunology same as everywhere.
Doctors inject vaccines in huge amounts to babies since 1960', in those times concentrations of todays "horrible substances in vaccines" were much higher (timerosal, aluminium salts...), the purification methods are better than they were, it all seems unlikely that vaccination is the cause of allegries other then of course "they DON'T KNOW what causes the diseases". Yes, they don't. But they can pretty much check what do not causes it.
And again, there is an increas in all allergy rates, not just the food ones. That can point to systemic or widely enviromental cause rather than isolated. Also, percentage of allergies specific to those present in trace amnouts in vaccines is also not that high. And with egg allergy specifically, around 50% outgrow the allergy within 5 years of age even more later.
For example, in this UK guide is stated, that vaccines containing ovalbumin are generaly safe EVEN for children with existing ovalbumin alergy (except for those with severe anaphylaxis). If they are safe for them, they cannot be the sensitization agent in the first place, when they are not enough to cause the reaction of already primed immune system, they cannot be causative, that requires similar or much higher dose to happen.
You can never of course exclude the possibility, that in very rare cases vaccines can have causative harmful effects on children immune system, alone or with some untimey combination with an infection agent for example. But those cases they would not stick out in large studies and are not heavily relevant for population and recommendations. But even such case report would need to be validated (there are validated case reports of vaccines causing lasting effects by abnormal immune reactions, but those children had often abnormal immune system in the first place) and you didn't present one so far just to prove this had ever actually happend.
One special person can have the bad luck to be harmd by almost anything, important for agencies is to check the overall safety. Ibuprofen can cause potentially lethal reaction, in very very rare cases. Still many people are using it and there is no huge warning that you can die from a single dose of it. Because the risk is negligible.
If they are safe for them, they cannot be the sensitization agent in the first place, when they are not enough to cause the reaction of already primed immune system, they cannot be causative, that requires similar or much higher dose to happen.
Sorry, you have that reversed. It takes LESS allergen to sensitize and you NEED more allergen to elicit a reaction.
Please see "Sensitization needs less injected allergen than elicitation" section in:
From my original post:
"Injecting influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) proteins into humans ( using influenza vaccine), causes IgE mediated sensitization against the HA proteins1–3 and allergy4 to the HA proteins."
The Flublok vaccine contains 3 times the amount of HA protein as a regular flu vaccine. People started having severe allergic reaction after receiving egg-free Flublok. Until then reaction to influenza vaccines were always thought to be caused by egg in the vaccine. Adds to the evidence that MORE allergen is required to elicit and less to sensitize.
So current reduced egg influenza vaccines do not cause a reaction but they continue to sensitize. NO STUDY has been performed to arrive at a safe level of egg protein in a vaccine to be used as a vaccine specification.
As for animal testing which is your only argument in cause of allergy...
Of course not. Please see my original post where most references are for allergy in humans.
, since we do not see people having casually severe vascular shock and die within a few minutes after another flu shot,
Vaccine makers reduced egg proteins in vaccines because of increasing anaphylaxis to flu shots. Without immediate emergency medical attention "severe vascular shock and die within a few minutes" would be the result.
Until recently, the recommendation for egg allergy patients was to wait at the hospital for half an hour after the flu shot to check for this exact problem.
Actually flu vaccines are given often yearly, so huge dataset to check, if there was a sensitation pattern, that would need to be very evident.
It takes a few weeks to sensitiize and then you have to eat egg to have a reaction. By the time the egg allergy is diagnosed, the vaccine is forgotten. Or worse, doctors think vaccines don't cause the development of allergy and don't report it to the VAERS. VAERS is a passive surveillance system. So even when reported to the VAERS, it is usually rejected as not evidence of a causal relationship. Such sloppy handling of vaccine safety evidence is the problem. It is a vicious cycle. There is a myth that vaccines don't cause allergy. So allergy diagnosis is not reported. This adds to the myth.