data "argue for" ? - (Jan/06/2015 )
Hi friends,
can I write this: The finding that XYZ does ABC argues for a role of XYZ in....., or can "argue for" only be used when in the context of a person arguing (e.g. the authors argue for this theory)
I am asking because I am already using phrases like indicate, propose, shows, point towards etc. too much and I need alternative wordings.
I found one online discussion for this question, but the answers were inconclusive so hope someone can shed some light here.
Your usage in the example is fine, especially as any time you write you are arguing a point (even if there is no response). To quote Monty Python "An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition" which is what you are doing when you write your discussion.
Or use a thesaurus such as this one or this
Thanks for your comments !
As for a thesaurus, I do use them already and I agree they are a good idea. Unfortunately I've already used many of the proposed (and appropriate) phrases too much... :-)
The short-cut phrase is used - based on the tacit assumption that it should be obvious to the reader. As an editor, I discourage your reuse esp. as you've repeatedly assumed readers agreement . Data neither "indicate nor "argue". Communication is your responsiblity so please Invest in text that takes the reader through your reasoning even if it is repetitive.