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How to add a world map to a slide? - (Oct/16/2014 )

Hi, I want to give a presentation and use world map in my slides. I want to label some places on the map and put some text on the specific place like the one shown in the attached picture. Are there somebody who could tell me how to do this? Thanks very much! 

Attached Image


The easiest way would be to use a drawing program (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, GIMP) but powerpoint can also do this sort of thing to some extent. Under the drawing tools in powerpoint there should be the capability to add text boxes, draw circles and move objects so that they are above others (bring to front/send to back). All you have to do is put the bits in the right places.


The problem is the map. How can I add a map the slide and highlight the area that I want to add the text on?


Do a search for map images. There are bound to be lots of free ones ( is good for this sort of thing). You may need to crop the image to focus on an area. If you want to get really fancy, then in most drawing programs you can use layers to enhance the image such that a particular region will stand out.


Openstreetmap is a good source, you can download single tiles of countries, regions or the whole planet (but you might get huge amounts of data then) and so on

connected to this is OpenStreetMap-Wiki with many other sources:

You have to convert perhaps the format of the data then for an image file.



There are many online tools:
