neither/nor vs. either/or - (Aug/14/2013 )
Is this sentence grammatically correct?:
Virus accumulation does not positively correlate with virulence, neither in A nor in B.
Or should I say:
Virus accumulation does not positively correlate with virulence, either in A or in B.
Virus accumulation does not correlate with virulence in either A or B - perhaps like this ?
Great! Thanks!
or.... in both A and B.
Also a suggestion of a non native speaker
hobglobin on Wed Aug 14 16:39:34 2013 said:
Also a suggestion of a non native speaker
Right, I should've mentioned that too..
Both are fine to use, though technically I think that the first would be more correct.
However, Tabaluga's suggestion is more concise and well worded.
<native speaker>