Happy B-day, T-jay - (Jul/05/2012 )
Felicidades, tj-anciano....hope you're still sober enough to read this......
Hey TJ, Happy Birthday and good luck with the thesis!
hobglobin on Thu Jul 5 18:45:57 2012 said:
Hey TJ, Happy Birthday and good luck with the thesis!
well, the thesis can wait for after the weekend...I think he's allowed to do some pub crawling tonight...
a belated happy birthday, toejam.
And also a belated happy birthday from me.
Hope you had good cake.
hey guys! thank you very much! was a good evening indeed, considering there was no plan at all! cheers!
happy belated birthday, TJ. Cheers and all the best!
-Adrian K-
thanks Adrian
happy belated birthday!!!
thanks V