Does 16s rRNA gene prove all Abrahamic religions wrong? - (Mar/15/2012 )
swanny on Thu Aug 30 00:24:28 2012 said:
Hey curtis! Interesting question, but you need to look at the context of the original writings. A totally pre-scientific time, when everyone "knew" the earth was the centre of everything, and was flat to boot. Male semen actually contained tiny, tiny fully-formed people that just grew inside a woman. Blood was a complete mystery, but the blood of animals contained the essence of that animal (drinking it would give you the characteristsics of that animal: lion's blood, anyone?).
Remember that the creation account in Genesis was written down over 3500 years ago, and the scientific method has only been around for 500 years or so, and I think I am being generous there. Considering the fact that even in the early-middle 20th century science still thought that proteins, rather than nucleic acid, constituted the hereditary material, you might want to cut other people a bit of slack...
Speaking as an committed Christian, all I can say is that Christianity should not be thought of as a philosophy or a way of thinking, but as the response to historical events (I would also guess that Jews and Muslims would say the same thing). And as for your comments about religious people not really being scientists, I think that Michael Faraday, John Lennox (who has destroyed Dawkins' arguments on a number of occasions) and Francis Collins (who led the public Human Genmoe effort, and who now runs the NIH), just to name three, may dispute your statement...
Okay, i hate it when people say that they thought the world was flat.
Plato learned it was round.
Also, it reminds of a brain, not much else.
And could OP please say how they think it proves it wrong¿?
Cooling by the day here... still getting mid 20s but the nights are getting down to around 15c... soon time to put my wooly grundies on... UK warming up now i guess?