Funding for workshop S.O.S. - (Jan/31/2012 )
Hi! I need help!
I am a PhD student from Argentina, and I want to make a 3-days workshop in USA, but we don´t have enough financial sources. Does anyone know any institution which can help me (grants, fellowship)???
Thanks (sorry about my English)
Try to ask sponsor from your supplier...
Thanks for your answer... I`ve already done ask for a grant to the supplier, but they said no... Do you know any institution yo do it???
Well, we usually ask few suppliers to chip in a portion of money, not just one supplier bear the whole cost.
Not sure which travel workshop you are attending, but most will award a few travel grants for you to apply, such as Pasteur institute.
I want to make the workshop
If you have a scholarships (or post-graduate) office at your university, try asking them, there may well be small travel grants you can apply for.
I don't think the Pasteur institute will give you money to attend a course at the NIH - try applying to the NIH!
If you are affiliated with a hospital ask as many suppliers as possible A(as adrian K mentioned above) including pharmaceutical reps, equipment suppliers, disposables, chemicals, diagnostic reagents, etc etc. You should especially approach domestic corporations and spread the cost. Good luck.