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where's the passion now? - (Dec/09/2011 )

I think its gone..what to do when ur mind is saturated with frustration...working with bioinformatic..started passionately but now..............:(


ask yourself why is it gone - is it just a mood, the team you work in, your boss, the environment......or is it that you expected something else?


got it..i think its mood and expectation.... lets see! feeling somewhat better know ...thanks for concern


you should look at this:


Frustration is weakness leaving the mind, like pain is weakness leaving the body. Persevere! The passion returns, if it was genuine.

I am just joking. When I get frustrated, I hug a pet and go for a long walk while listening to some sort of rock music with a heavy bass line. Viciously rearranging my environment helps, too.

-lab rat-

thanks toejam! its really speaking..:)

i think the difference b/w actual n expected content is a main source of frustration sometimes..especially in research....and yup actual content may above or below the straight line depending upon drinking ....these Hows and Whys are everywhere pouring into my mind like one is pouring water with a glass into a water body...too much curiosity sometime confuses what to do with it... :)
