Graphing + statistical softwares - (Nov/22/2011 )
I have used Graphpad Prism (awesome + love the graph wizard function), Microsoft Excel (not very user friendly stat-wise) and currently learning to use IBM's SPSS (very technical).
What is the general consensus of stat/graph software amongst scientists on Bioforum?
I use Graphpad and R language. I think excel is the worst program, as this paper tell us
We use sigmaplot
minitab for stats. basic stuff.
sigmaplot for graphics.
I like
Graphpad Prism is nice for ploting and graph
I use Microsoft Excel as data storage and simple calculation
SPSS is nice for stats analysis.
I graphpad!!
Go for R if you can code. It's free and powerful (probably the most powerful out there). But it takes some time to learn though.
If you are afraid of programming, BioVinci can be an option. It's quite easy to use and up-to-date. I like its 3D interactive scatter plot and violin plot. Some modern analyses (like PCA, hierarchical clustering, k-means clustering, etc.) are also available.