why to me? - (Aug/20/2011 )
i just started this project work and the scientist under whom i am doing my work remains very busy...... so he handed this person the responsibility to see how i work and guide as well
Just curious on Sat Aug 20 15:00:43 2011 said:
i just started this project work and the scientist under whom i am doing my work remains very busy...... so he handed this person the responsibility to see how i work and guide as well
hi just curious...so you're supervisor assigned you a new supervisor or gave you someone to supervise?
actually i typed this post n decided not to "post" actually but i did so accidently..... so the thing is that this person doesnt guide or try to explain. he'll just say "u hav to do this.. then this... an finally this" its kind of irritating n when i do something wrong he starts taunting n saying that "dont u people learn something at college". is this natural to all those who do project work under someone good or is it me taking this thing too seriously.
Just curious on Sun Aug 21 18:02:56 2011 said:
actually i typed this post n decided not to "post" actually but i did so accidently..... so the thing is that this person doesnt guide or try to explain. he'll just say "u hav to do this.. then this... an finally this" its kind of irritating n when i do something wrong he starts taunting n saying that "dont u people learn something at college". is this natural to all those who do project work under someone good or is it me taking this thing too seriously.
hah..so you posted this accidentally...didn't you also learn not to do this in college?
Thanks!!!!!!!!! (accidentally)
Just curious on Sun Aug 21 18:02:56 2011 said:
actually i typed this post n decided not to "post" actually but i did so accidently..... so the thing is that this person doesnt guide or try to explain. he'll just say "u hav to do this.. then this... an finally this" its kind of irritating n when i do something wrong he starts taunting n saying that "dont u people learn something at college". is this natural to all those who do project work under someone good or is it me taking this thing too seriously.
Do you ask him things when he tells you to do stuff?
Its possible he is an ass but its also possible he treats you as an adult... this means he just tells you to do stuff and expects you to ask him if you dont understand it...
You cant expect him to explain everything he tells you... Its your job to ask questions!
You are old and mature enough to use your tongue!
The schooldays were teachers chewed everything up for you are over...
Altough, I do not agree with him saying "dont you learn anything in college".. but on the other hand, I understand it that he says that. In some countries students to not have any idea what labworks really means. Its nice to know a lot of theoretical stuff, but if you cant work in the lab..
There are some countries/schools where students graduate while they dont even know how to work with a pipette.. I have spoken with some students (with very very high grades) that said to me (after 5years of university and maybe 1-3months in the lab) that they didnt really liked the lab work or werent cut out for it...
So if that supervisor came from such a country or has experience with students/graduates like that...
Or its possible that in the end he is an ass...
Anyway, just one advice, if you forget all the rest I typed and remember this, its ok: Read my signature and remember that;)
if this guy is not able to explain things ...then maybe he has no clue at all and is afraid of telling you something wrong (that is often the case with those people!)
if you feel lost and unguided ...try to figure out things for yourself ...go to the library ...take a look in books ...ask questions in this forum ...read papers ...and if that guy is really an ass ...ask other people who are willing to help you (and you will find out that most people in a lab are willing to help you!).
Try to ask you supervisor only when you have spent some time thinking for yourself ...maybe you can figure out things without asking ...and if you have to ask ...spent some time on formulating the question (be precise).
I only can speak for myself ...but i must confess i love students who try to figure things out without asking ...and just bother you when they are really lost and don't know what to do. But i would never refuse a student who asks a question! Since asking questions is a fundamental property of every scientist ...and that is what students have to learn ...that asking questions is their job ...but you'll have to ask wisely!
hi ,
i am fully satisfied with cassandra's and pito's suggestions but i did realised that the actual problem with him is that "he's actually an ass" thanks to pito for that and thanks to pDNA too b'coz i really feel that his/her reply was the most logical and acceptable to me .
thanks once again
you are welcome
All the best!
and you're also welcome JC (even if my suggestions are not as logical as pDNA's........)...break a leg...