Getting "in" the Feild . - (Aug/09/2011 )
hello there....
thanks for your replies but i still need some more help from u guys .The college from where i'm post graduating has preety poor lab facilities so i was just wondering if u can guide me to what basic skills/experiments i must do and practice in free time to make myself good in lab work for feild's like molecular biology (necessarily), microbiology and biochemistry . i have only centrifugation unit and PCR machine besides general facilities and reagents available .
Also i want to know how one should approach any problem like when you try to find how or why this happens? while doing any project or research work.. pls guide.
thanks in advance
Guddu on Fri Aug 19 17:50:16 2011 said:
hello there....
thanks for your replies but i still need some more help from u guys .The college from where i'm post graduating has preety poor lab facilities so i was just wondering if u can guide me to what basic skills/experiments i must do and practice in free time to make myself good in lab work for feild's like molecular biology (necessarily), microbiology and biochemistry . i have only centrifugation unit and PCR machine besides general facilities and reagents available .
Also i want to know how one should approach any problem like when you try to find how or why this happens? while doing any project or research work.. pls guide.
thanks in advance
IF you have a centrifuge and a machine, I would consider quite complete. You can do most of your molecular work. I don't even have a PCR machine in my lab, and I still manage to do my using other lab's PCR machine....
learn some cloning stuff, and do more and more PCR, play around with the gradient temperature, play around with your primers and mastermixes etc... if you got funds, try design some primers and see if it works...
-Adrian K-